Post archive by author CCU News

All post items by CCU News

Clariant tritt der Renewable Carbon Initiative bei

Clariant, ein fokussiertes, nachhaltiges und innovatives Spezialchemieunternehmen, gab heute seinen Beitritt zur Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) bekannt. Der Beitritt zur RCI demonstriert das Engagement von Clariant, innovative Nachhaltigkeitspraktiken voranzutreiben, wobei die Förderung der Defossilisierung, der Zirkularität und einer biobasierten Wirtschaft höchste Priorität haben. Ziel der RCI ist es, in der chemischen Industrie die Umstellung von

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Clariant joins the Renewable Carbon Initiative

Clariant, a focused, sustainable and innovative specialty chemical company, announced that it has joined the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI). Joining the RCI demonstrates Clariant’s commitment to driving forward innovative sustainability practices, whereby promoting defossilization, circularity and a bio-based economy are top priorities. The aim of the RCI is to support and accelerate the transition from

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Soap, proteins and highly complex molecules from CO2 – these are the winners of the “Best CO2 Utilisation 2022” innovation award

Finally, networking in person again: Participants used every minute of the conference to generate new or intensify existing contacts. After two long years of online-events, participants could finally enjoy the benefits of real in-person networking and got reminded how much better it is on site. The perfect spring weather did the rest. A total of

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Carbon-Capture Startup Using Dirt Cheap Material Raises $53 Million

A California-based startup has found a way to use limestone — a cheap and widely available material — to remove carbon dioxide directly from the air, potentially overcoming a major hurdle in scaling up the technology needed to avoid catastrophic global warming. Heirloom Carbon Technologies Inc. said Thursday it raised $53 million from investors including

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SHV Energy and LanzaTech announce partnership to pioneer renewable propane

The collaboration will further expand LanzaTech’s existing CCT technology and synthetic biology platform, which transform waste carbon into sustainable fuels and other materials such as fabrics, packaging, and other products. Using a variety of abundant waste feedstocks, LanzaTech’s technology platform highlights a future where consumers are not as dependent on virgin fossil feedstocks for so

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Biowasserstoff: Quellen und Forschungsansätze

Grüner Wasserstoff gilt als zentrales Element der Energiewende. Bislang wird das Gas vor allem mittels Elektrolyse produziert, ein Prozess, der viel Strom verbraucht. Es gibt jedoch vielversprechende biobasierte Ansätze für die Wasserstoffgewinnung, in denen Algen und Bakterien eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Dieses Dossier stellt aktuelle Forschungsansätze vor. Wasserstoff – zentrales Element der Energiewende Wasserstoff ist

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Copper-silver-gold nanostructure gives carbon-capture and –utilization a boost

Chemists have developed a nano-scale structure that combines copper, gold and silver to work as a superior catalyst in a chemical reaction whose improved performance will be essential if carbon capture and utilization efforts are to succeed in helping to mitigate global warming. A study describing the process appeared in the journal Nano Research on

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LanzaTech, ReCarbon, Woodside team up on carbon capture and utilization project in Australia

You heard Jennifer Holmgren as a keynote speaker last week at the ABLC in Washington, D.C., and we’ve covered LanzaTech’s going public news with their $2.2 billion SPAC merger, but just in is breaking news that they are collaborating in a new carbon capture and utilization project in Western Australia with ReCarbon and Woodside Energy. The Project

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Woodside launches carbon capture and utilisation collaboration with ReCarbon and LanzaTech

Leading Australian energy producer Woodside and US-based technology developers ReCarbon and LanzaTech have launched a collaborative studies program aimed at converting carbon emissions into useful products. Together, Woodside, ReCarbon and LanzaTech are investigating the viability of a proposed Carbon Capture and Utilisation pilot facility in Perth, Western Australia. The proposed pilot facility would recycle greenhouse

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CO2 Utilization for Cement: The Digest’s 2022 Multi-Slide Guide to Fortera

Today we take a look at CO2 Utilization with Ryan Gilliam, CEO of Fortera. Fortera created a process that economically converts CO2 into a cement ready for use anywhere Ordinary Portland Cement is used. Concrete ranks as the most used human-made material on the planet each year. However, its production, which includes cement, comes with a

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