Post archive by author CCU News

All post items by CCU News

Protecting the climate during textile production – polyester fibers bind CO2

Start for an EU-wide collaborative project: Under the leadership of the French company Fairbrics SAS, 17 project partners from 7 European countries are coming together. The common goal is to produce end products from polyester in a closed cycle using industrial CO2 emissions and to bring them to market maturity. The DITF produce synthetic fibers from

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Klimaschutz bei der Textilproduktion: Polyesterfasern binden CO2

Start für ein EU-weites Verbundprojekt: Unter der Leitung des französischen Unternehmens Fairbrics SAS finden sich 17 Projektpartner aus sieben europäischen Ländern zusammen. Gemeinsames Ziel ist es, in einem geschlossenen Kreislauf Endprodukte aus Polyester unter Verwendung von industriellen CO2-Emissionen zu erzeugen und zur Marktreife zu führen. Die DITF stellen dabei Synthesefasern aus Kunststoffen nicht fossilen Ursprungs

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Carbonova Awarded $2 million from Sustainable Development Technology Canada

Carbonova is pleased to announce that it has been awarded $2 million non-dilutive, non-repayable contribution from Sustainable Development Technology Canada (“SDTC”). Carbonova Corp. is a technology company with a unique and patented process to produce high-volume superior solid carbon nanofibers from greenhouse gas feedstock. Carbonova process utilizes carbon dioxide and methane and turns them into a sustainable and

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Monthly news from the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI), February 2023

1) Letter to the Commission on the definition of natural polymers in the REACH microplastics restriction The RCI wrote a letter to the EU Commission which was co-signed by BioChem Europe (a sector group of Cefic), EDANA, EuropaBio, European BioPlastics, and GO!PHA, and raises specific concerns about the proposed definition of “natural polymers” in the

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How to pull carbon dioxide out of seawater

As carbon dioxide continues to build up in the Earth’s atmosphere, research teams around the world have spent years seeking ways to remove the gas efficiently from the air. Meanwhile, the world’s number one “sink” for carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is the ocean, which soaks up some 30 to 40 percent of all of

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Deep insights into bio- and CO₂-based solutions for polymers

The nova-Institute invites interested parties to the nova session “Bio- and CO2-based Polymers: Production, Trends 2022-2027 and the latest Policy Developments” on 22 March 2023 ( The full-day workshop will take place as a hybrid event in the nova office in Hürth and online.  The workshop will focus on the market report “Bio-based Building Blocks

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INEOS Secures €3.5 billion financing for project one – The greenest cracker in Europe

Project ONE is the largest investment in the European chemical sector for a generation. The new cracker located in Antwerp will have the lowest carbon footprint of all European crackers, five times better than the worst in Europe and two times better than the best. Jason Meers, CFO INEOS Project ONE says: “This is an

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Carbon Capture and Utilisation: More Than Hiding CO2 for Some Time

Today, the Scientific Advisory Committee of CO2 Value Europe’s latest scientific paper “Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU): More Than Hiding CO2 for Some Time” has been published in the peer-reviewed academic journal Joule. CCU is a broad term that covers processes that capture CO2 from flue and process gases or directly from water and air and convert it into a

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Wasserstoff – eine norwegische „Zeitenwende“?

Als der deutsche Minister für Wirtschaft und und Klima, Robert Habeck, Norwegen besuchte, erschienen in den deutschen Medien viele Beiträge über Norwegen als Lieferant von Wasserstoff und über die Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -speicherung. Doch in Norwegen löste der Besuch eine Debatte für und wider von Wasserstoff als Energieträger aus. Diese Debatte wird in Deutschland nicht geführt – nicht in

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Biokraftstoffe mit Strom boostern

In einem zu Jahresbeginn gestarteten Projekt unter Koordination der Technischen Universität München (TUM) will ein Bündnis aus Forschungsinstitutionen und Unternehmen den ökologischen Fußabdruck des Verkehrssektors senken. Dazu entwickeln die Beteiligten ein Raffineriekonzept, um erneuerbare Kraftstoffe im Tonnenmaßstab für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen zu produzieren. Die Forschenden kombinieren dafür die Herstellung von E-Fuels mit der von

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