Post archive by author CCU News

All post items by CCU News

Carbonaide raises EUR 1.8 million to make manufacturing concrete carbon negative

Carbonaide, a spin-out company from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland that enables the manufacturing of carbon-negative concrete, has raised EUR 1.8 million in seed funding led by Lakan Betoni and Vantaa Energy. The round was completed with public loans and in-kind contributions from Business Finland and other Finnish concrete companies and strategic investors. ”Carbonaide’s vision is

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BOLD biomanufacturing and biotech goals in the USA

The recently-held Advanced Bioeconomy Leadership Conference (ABLC) held in Washington, DC, on 22-24 March saw the convergence of different US agencies – Department of Energy (DOE), Department of Agriculture (USDA), Department of Commerce, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) – with very bold targets below for the next

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TUM researching climate-neutral fuels for the transportation sector

Technical University of Munich (TUM) is working on alternative, climate-neutral fuels for use in transportation. Together with partners from industry and science, six TUM professorships at the TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability (TUMCS) have received funding from the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure for the Synergy Fuels project. Over a

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TUM forscht an klimaneutralen Kraftstoffen im Transportsektor

Die Technische Universität München (TUM) arbeitet an alternativen, klimaneutralen Kraftstoffen für die Nutzung im Verkehr. Unter Beteiligung von sechs TUM-Professuren am Campus Straubing (TUMCS) für Biotechnologie und Nachhaltigkeit sowie Partnern aus Industrie und Wissenschaft fördert das Bundesverkehrsministerium das Projekt Synergy Fuels über eine Laufzeit von vier Jahren mit insgesamt 13,6 Mio. Euro – davon 5,7

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Mammoth: what it takes to manufacture direct air capture plants at new scales

Less than a year after putting the world’s only commercial direct air capture & storage (DAC+S) plant Orca into operation, Climeworks announced the groundbreaking of Mammoth in June 2022.  Orca represents the first deployment of Climeworks’ second technology generation. Mammoth is based on the same technology, but multiplies Orca’s capacity by factor of 9 – a demonstratable

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Europe Renewable Methanol Market Size, Trends, Share, Growth, Forecast 2023-2028

Europe Renewable Methanol Market Outlook The Europe renewable methanol market size reached a volume of  96.92 KMT in 2022. During the forecast period of between 2023 and 2028, the market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 31.7% to reach a volume of around 483.65 KMT by 2028. Key Trends in the Market Renewable methanol is produced from

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Black is the New Green: AIRCARBON STRAWS IN BLACK Now Available

Newlight Technologies is excited to announce the newest line extension to its family of AIRCARBON home-compostable straws-AIRCARBON STRAWS in black-advancing the company’s mission to help end climate change in this generation by creating products that work for people and the planet.  Designed with the consumer experience in mind, AIRCARBON straws in black are smooth, never

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Gesetzgebung gegen Greenwashing: EU will CO₂-Kompensation nicht verbieten

Für klimabezogene Aussagen – wie ‚CO2-neutral‘ oder ’netto null‘ – verlangt die neu vorgeschlagene „Green-Claims“-Richtlinie, dass Unternehmen zwischen ihren eigenen Bemühungen zur Emissionsreduzierung und Kompensationsmaßnahmen, wie Bäume pflanzen, unterscheiden. Die Unternehmen müssen angeben, ob sich die Kompensationen auf die Reduzierung oder den Abbau von Emissionen beziehen. Dazu müssen sie klarstellen, woraus sich die Behauptung errechnet. Ebenfalls

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EU says ‘not banning carbon offsets’ in greenwashing crackdown

For climate-related claims – such as ‘CO2 neutral’ or ‘net zero’ – the proposed Green Claims Directive requires companies to distinguish between their own emission reduction efforts and the use of carbon-offsetting schemes, such as planting trees. Companies are requested to specify whether offsets relate to emission reductions or removals and provide additional information, including the methodology

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Natürlicher Wasserstoff unter der Erde: Energie aus dem Erdkern

Wasserstoff (H2) hat viele Fans, weil bei seiner Verbrennung kein CO2 entsteht. Ihn zu produzieren ist allerdings energetisch aufwendig und teuer. Was aber wäre, wenn Wasserstoff gar nicht produziert werden müsste, sondern einfach verfügbar wäre? Anzapfbar wie eine Mineralwasserquelle? In einem kleinen Dorf in Mali ist das tatsächlich der Fall. Es war ein Zufallsfund auf der Suche

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