Post archive by author CCU News

All post items by CCU News

Five Minutes With… Mercedes Alonso, Executive Vice President, Renewable Polymers and Chemicals, Neste

Neste is the world’s largest producer of renewable diesel and renewable jet fuel refined from waste and residues, introducing renewable solutions also to the polymers and chemicals industries.Mercedes Alonso will be appearing on the CEO Discussion Pane...

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Converting Ethanol to Butanol: The Digest’s 2020 Multi-Slide Guide to Catalyxx’s Ethanol Technology

Initially developed by Abengoa, Catalyxx has exclusive rights for a technology to convert ethanol efficiently into butanol and higher alcohols and…Full text:

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“New markets are actually old markets”

“New markets are actually old markets. Therefore, the wheel does not have to be reinvented, only the focus has changed due to political developments, such as in the case of the European Packaging Directive”, explains Dr. Asta Partanen, expe...

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„Neue Märkte sind eigentlich alte Märkte“

„Neue Märkte sind eigentlich alte Märkte. Von daher muss das Rad nicht neu erfunden werden, nur die Schwerpunkte haben sich aufgrund der politischen Entwicklungen wie etwa im Falle der Europäischen Verpackungsrichtlinie verändert“, erläutert Dr. Asta P...

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Norway’s €2.1bn carbon-capture mega-project gets approval

The Norwegian government’s decision to fund the scale-up of carbon-capture-storage (CCS) technology with more than €2 billion got the green…Full text:

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POET: US CO<sub>2</sub> situation returning to normal, but some “ongoing allocation”

POET Ethanol Products has been able to maintain a consistent supply of carbon dioxide (CO2) throughout the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic…Full text:

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Sustainable HVO Fuel for Asphalt Equipment from BAM

BAM Infra Nederland is the first construction company to switch to the fossil-free Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) fuel for all…Full text:

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‘Not all biomass is carbon neutral’, industry admits

“Not all biomass is good biomass,” says Jennifer Jenkins, chief sustainability officer at Enviva, a US-based company which is the…Full text:

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Nextchem and LanzaTech Sign an agreement to promote circular ethanol production

NextChem and US carbon recycling company, LanzaTech sign an agreement to license the “Waste to Ethanol” process line. NextChem thereby expands its circular economy and chemical recycling technologies, adding circular ethanol technology to c...

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Scientists from Russia and Germany to Develop New Biotechnology Using Algae

Researchers of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) in collaboration with Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) completed an…Full text:

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