Post archive by author CCU News

All post items by CCU News

Lage der Union: Kommission fordert mehr Klimaschutz und schlägt Emissionssenkung bis 2030 um 55% vor

Die Europäische Kommission hat heute ihren Plan vorgestellt, wonach die Treibhausgasemissionen der EU bis 2030 gegenüber 1990 um mindestens 55 % gesenkt werden sollen. Dieses ehrgeizige Ziel für das nächste Jahrzehnt wird auf dem Weg der EU zur Klimane...

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Trump administration eyes at least $300 million aid to refiners denied biofuel waivers: sources

The Trump administration is considering at least $300 million in cash aid to U.S. oil refiners that are denied exemptions to U.S. biofuel blending laws for the 2019 compliance year, two sources familiar with the matter said.Although the administration ...

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How to harness the power of biosolids to make hydrogen

Researchers have used biosolids to produce hydrogen from wastewater, in new technology that supports the comprehensive recycling of one of humanity’s unlimited resources – sewage.The innovation focuses on the advanced upcycling of biosolids and biogas,...

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Biogenic CO<sub>2</sub> Coalition Files Formal Petition for Rulemaking with EPA

The Biogenic CO2 Coalition today filed a Petition for Rulemaking with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), providing a detailed explanation of the scientific and legal basis for the agency to propose a rule to recognize that biogenic carbon emiss...

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World market leaders take climate protection seriously: New initiative to replace fossil with renewable carbon wants to change the foundation of the chemical industry

Companies looking for sustainable chemical and material solutions are welcome to join and profit from the support of the initiative

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Kaskaden mit Kohlenstoffdioxid

Kohlenstoffdioxid (CO2) ist nicht nur ein unerwünschtes Treibhausgas, sondern auch eine interessante Rohstoffquelle, deren Recycling wertvoll und nachhaltig sein könnte.…Full text:

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Novel Catalytic Process for Converting CO<sub>2</sub> into Valuable Chemicals

In the Angewandte Chemie journal, Spanish scientists have now described an innovative catalytic process for transforming CO2 into precious chemical…Full text:

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In situ Biogas Upgrading by CO<sub>2</sub>-to-CH<sub>4</sub> Bioconversion

Upgrading biogas into biomethane broadens its applications and increases the value of biogas. Among these, in situ CO 2-to-CH 4…Full text:

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Haldor Topsoe sets out to become the global leader in technologies to reduce carbon emissions

A new purpose and vision launch Topsoe’s ambition to lead the drive to reduce carbon emissions from fuels and chemicals. Topsoe’s new company purpose is Perfecting chemistry for a better world. Topsoe’s new vision is To be recognized as the global lead...

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Cascades with carbon dioxide: Making substances out of CO<sub>2</sub>

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is not just an undesirable greenhouse gas, it is also an interesting source of raw materials that…Full text:

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